Create What YOU Love

Create What YOU Love

red-crayon-heartI learned something neat this week about the song Mother, by Danzig. If you don’t remember it, take a moment to refresh yourself:

When Glenn Danzig released this song in 1988, it didn’t get much attention. It wasn’t until 6 years later that the song became a hit. In a 1994 interview, Danzig had this to say regarding Mother:

It was the song I always wanted to write. … But I never wrote that song to make it a hit – I never wrote that way, and I still don’t. I write songs so that they say something and do something, and if people like ’em, great – and if they don’t, they don’t.

I really like his attitude, and I think it’s a great one for creative people of all stripes (writers, artists, musicians, etc.) to emulate. Trying to make other people happy and chase what’s popular isn’t the way to go. Do what YOU want, whatever it is, without worrying about who’ll like it or buy it.

99.99% of the creative experience is your own sweat and blood: first bringing your idea to life, then painstakingly chipping away at it until you can’t refine it any further. You might as well enjoy what you’re making. Whenever you phone it in, people can tell.

I’ve known people who were more interested in money first, creating second. They were pretty crappy at what they did, and were big-time discouraged when the money didn’t roll in right away. Money and fame should be happy side effects (if they happen), not the be-all end-all.

Besides, you never know which way popular tastes will swing. Mother came out when glam-rock was big, so no one cared. A few years later, with heavy/thrash/death metal going more mainstream, people got into it. Danzig wasn’t looking for fame, but it found him because he’d stayed true to himself.

So make what you love, share it fearlessly, repeat. Enjoy the process. And good luck finding the fans you deserve!

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