Sword and Starship Book 3: First Draft Completed

Sword and Starship Book 3: First Draft Completed

The first draft of Book 3 of the Sword and Starship series is done! (Though I still haven’t settled on a title.) It’s about 84,000 words over 18 chapters: a decent novel length, with room to expand if necessary. This is the first point at which “Book 3” exists in a coherent form, without lots of revision notes and unwritten gaps. It still needs tons of TLC before it can be shared with the world, but it exists.

I get a bit of a break here while my editor does her fine work. :) I’ll be enjoying some vacation time for the foreseeable future, which will allow me to return to this book with the freshest mind possible.

Take care, and I hope to be updating you again soon!


2 thoughts on “Sword and Starship Book 3: First Draft Completed

  1. Hi Ellis,

    since we haven’t heard much from you here and considering the general state of the world:

    How are you ?
    Everything fine?

    Kind regards,

    1. Hello, Walter!

      Funny that you should ask! I’ve just returned home after unexpectedly spending 2 weeks in the hospital with an auto-immune disorder (not related to COVID). They took great care of me, but I didn’t have access to my laptop/email and couldn’t have any visitors due to pandemic restrictions. It’s a relief to be home! I’ll certainly write and post more about it once I’ve had a chance to catch up and return to my normal routine.

      Thanks so much for your concern, and I hope that you and your loved ones are well. Take care!


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